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The 10 chapters in this website planning handbook cover the following topics:

  1. Setting website objectives
  2. Identifying a target audience
  3. Organizing information on the site
  4. Creating content specifically for the web
  5. Making the right design choices
  6. Choosing the right technology platform
  7. Shortlisting vendors and opting for the appropriate engagement model
  8. Using the right tools to manage projects and communicate effectively
  9. Having a launch plan for your website to get lots of eyeballs
  10. A maintenance plan that takes care of your website
Business Goals

Business goals set the vision and direction for the entire exercise of developing the website. Lack of clarity here impacts everything down the line Website objectives:   1. Functional Requirements: […]

Website Design

Design is not just about aesthetics. Web design is the combination of various aspects of the website that can influence and impact how a customer feels. We break down these […]

Website Content

WEBSITE CONTENT Your business goals along with your website objectives drive the process of content creation. 10 RULES TO CREATE CONTENT FOR THE WEB: Quality Content =  Utility X Inspiration […]

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