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Why you need a website if you’re a video blogger?

  1. Creating content is your core value  You must get more traffic to your videos. The way to do that is to have your own platform with all your content in one location.
  2. Platforms like YouTube, Tumblr provide you only the reach: They just act as search engines for your video nothing more.
  3. To build a user base that is platform agnostic, you need a website over which you have complete control. These video platforms may just have the title and a small description. On your own website you freedom to add whatever you like. Create blogs around your videos which have more context and seems narrative.
  4. The website acts as the hub for all your promotional activities and content creation. Your website will be open to other search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and more.
  5. Sharing on Channels such as Facebook and Twitter with the help of your website will generate more leads. You can define yourself and have a unique profile which can be shared via FB or Twitter.
  6. Search bots crawl through your website, publishing it all in one location gives the visitors an opportunity to go through all your content. There’s a possibility of them returning to your website.

How WordPress for video bloggers can be of great help?

25% of the internet uses WordPress, it can be a great platform for all of your videos. If you’re a beginner, you can build a website using a theme. WordPress also provides a wide range of plugins you can choose to add to your website. You can also get the help of WordPress experts to help you customize the WordPress theme or build one from scratch that meets your needs exactly. We’ve written about how to choose a WordPress theme previously. In our experience, building a WordPress theme from scratch has proved to be a cost-effective option in the long run.

Top WordPress Themes for Video Bloggers: WordPress for video bloggers can be of great help with a great array of themes to choose from.

Video Elements

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  • Amazing features to show off your videos
  • Carousel to scroll through your videos easily
  • Homepage is designed to look like a video gallery


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  • A favourite as it has advanced styles and customization
  • Ad space provided
  • Thumbnail images for your other videos


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  • Responsive and speed optimized
  • Comes with a like/dislike option
  • Watch later feature- lets your visitors look at content at a later time
  • Direct integration with YouTube

Lara theme

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  • One page style
  • Video banners and backgrounds
  • A theme used by small business, eCommerce portals, and more.

Tv Elements

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  • High-resolution videos with an option to play in a loop
  • SEO friendly
  • A lot of widgets and custom options

On Demand

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  • Embedded video format
  • Custom widget for featured post

For more on the top WordPress themes for video bloggers.

Top WordPres plugins for Video Blogging

WordPress also has a huge plugin database which helps you add new features to the website with relative ease. You can setup social sharing, comments, memberships, online payments and many other useful things. In our next article in this series, we will go into more detail about the different plugins you can use as  a video blogger.

Here’s a quick look at some of the WordPress plugins you could use.

[accordion_item title=”Viper’s Video Quicktags”]

video bloggers

A great plugin for beginners or advanced users to help edit the video for different sites such as YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Flickr and more. They have more customization properties such as changing the colour and setting the video to autoplay.


[accordion_item title=”JW Player 7″]

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This plugin helps publish your videos on your posts and pages


[accordion_item title=”YouTube Embed”]

Screen Shot 2015-11-10 at 9.30.10 PMIt has great features such as Google compatible metadata, translations, build your own playlists, create multiple profiles, dynamic video sizing for responsive sites, and more.


[accordion_item title=”WP video SEO”]

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It generates  a sitemap for your video, reducing the time taken by the search engine to index your video.


[accordion_item title=”Easy FancyBox”]

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It gives you flexible lightbox solutions for your media/


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Are you a Video Blogger? Want help in setting up your very own WordPress website? Contact us!

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