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Websites are generally thought of as a hygiene issue. Most people don’t think beyond that in terms of what it can do for their business. As a result, most websites are a carbon copy of sales & marketing brochures.

A well-planned and executed website can play a central role in your business strategy, and specifically as a lead generation tool. It has the ability to reach the right audience, convey a meaningful message and get them hooked. If your website sounds like monologue sales pitch, most website visitors will tune out.10 simple changes to your website that will significantly improve lead generation1. Optimize your contact forms into a powerful and intelligent lead generation tool

The humble contact form you see on almost every website could your most useful ally. If you set it up with the right integrations, it can be your lead generation and customer acquisition tool.

 Tip: Make sure you have a contact form on every page of your website increasing your chances of lead generation.
People don’t like filling up long forms. Cut short your form to just the essential fields. Makes sure it is aesthetically pleasing as well and use strong power words for your call-to-action.
2. Use social media buttons to improve your shares

Placement of social media buttons can impact the number of shares you get. The number of buttons, prominence, share counter are factors to be considered.

There are lots of social sharing plugins for WordPress. But what most of these plugins do is add javascript files to your page. This adds to your page load time and will slow down your site.

If performance is critical for you, choose a plugin that is light, like Sharify.

Making your website social sharing friendly allows you to reach a wider audience, increase website traffic and improve your lead generation.

Here is Quicksprout’s advice on lead generation through social media: Infographic

3. Build an email list with opt-in forms


 Email is an under-utilized channel for lead generation. Contrary to what many people think, email is still a powerful medium to reach your audience.

The conversion rate for emails is high as you can see in the graph below. With such a high ROI, it makes sense to invest time in building an email list. Don’t ever make the mistake of buying the list.

Opt-in forms on your website is a great way to build an email list. These forms can be designed to show up at the right places and right times to increase your chances of collecting email addresses.

Here are 3 tips that might help:

1. Offer something free in return for a sign up.

2. Use words that indicate action instead of the default “subscribe” or “submit”

3. Pay attention to the design so that it catches their attention.

Conversion rate scores as compiled by Hubspot.

Best WordPress Opt-In plugins.</a

4. Encourage your visitors to comment

Encouraging users to comment on your website posts builds engagement. When you build engagement, you increase the percentage of return visitors. The return visitors have a higher conversion rate.

To encourage visitors again, the content has to be valuable and written with a specific audience in mind. Add an explicit call-to-action in your content asking for visitors to leave their comments. You can replace the default WordPress commenting system with Facebook comments or Disqus.

5. Contextual Content

Contextual content could be the next big thing in digital marketing. We evolved from mass marketing tactics to targeted marketing. The latter requires the business to know their audience really well.

Using the audience data at hand, we can now dynamically alter the content on the website based on the profile of the website visitor. For example, if you have a first-time visitor, his needs might be very different from a return visitor or an existing customer.

By targeting the content based on the customer, you are personalizing the experience to him or her. Geolocation plugins let you target content based on the user’s location. You can go beyond google analytics and use other options to gain a deeper insight into your audience.

Showing related posts when a visitor is reading a blog post can make them stay longer on the site. Your call-to-action buttons can also be contextual based on the content and keywords on the page.

6. Start a blog

The majority of the population does not appreciate direct marketing. They get tired of companies going on about all their products and services. Moreover, they do not like being bombarded by promotional content only. Why not help your customers and readers by providing relevant matter that answers all their queries. Such a platform will help build the relationship better.

lead generation

A great way to learn and share about anything is by writing blogs. It is one of the best ways to connect with your readers/audience. The content that you write will draw your potential customers and show them how credible you are. A great blog with the SEO done right is a sure-shot hit towards a greater lead generation.

7. Treat every page as a landing page

Landing pages are very crucial in a website. They primarily focus on conversion. Increased conversion rates have a direct relation with a good landing page. This also cuts costs on advertisements because you target readers on focused pages. The final call-to-action determines how well your strategy is working.

While keeping a dedicated landing page for your lead generation campaigns, why not treat each page in your website as such. Focusing on the right target audience, providing all the answers to their queries and ensuring that they are satisfied. This approach will undoubtedly have a higher conversion rate.


8. Test and experiment

[/text_output][text_output]You need a way to test any new changes against the current design. This is to make sure the conversion rates only improve with further changes. It is important to know the impact a new change will have as compared to an older version before actually making changes to the site code.

The quantitative information speaks for itself. You will be able to show the results of 2 versions of the same page and let your customer decide the clear winner. Constant tests and optimizations to your pages will only increase the revenue, lead generation, registrations and more.

Also known as A/B testing, it is a way to do a comparison to understand the better conversion out of the two and to make more out of the existing traffic you have.

9. Add Live Chat

Most of your customers will find live chat very convenient. The ease at which the doubts can be cleared can be done with little or no expenses. This could be thought as the initial stages of getting to know your customers needs and impressing them.

Making Proactive Chat Work conducted by Forrester 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a Web site can offer.

Getting to know your audience better and targeting their needs through live chats will expose you to potential pain points. This will get you further ahead in the game. Answering questions directly has a better impact and working in real time is advantageous.

10. Speed and security

Speed matters. Page load time is directly linked to lead generation and your bottom line. Website speed also affects your google ranking.

This holds especially true for online stores where page speed can improve conversions.

So how can you ensure your website is optimized for good page load times?

  • Get a good hosting provider. If you run a high traffic WordPress website, look into managed WordPress hosting.
  • Optimize all the media files on WordPress. (EWWW Image Optimizer)
  • Use a cache plugin for WordPress. They do a number of optimizations to your website. (Best WordPress Cache plugins)
  • Don’t install too many plugins. Delete the unused or outdated ones from your system.
  • Run your website through tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTMetrix to measure the website performance.

We recently optimized one of our client’s WordPress website by 75%, bringing the page load time down from 24sec to 4sec.

If you want to read the case study on how we did it, sign up for our newsletter.[/text_output][text_output]When your website is secure, it not only gives you the peace of mind to run your business, it also conveys the message of trust and safety that your customers look for.

An online retailer saw a 7.6% increase in conversions when a trust seal from a security vendor was used on the website.

A conservative estimate suggests businesses may have lost more than $375 billion.

Implementing security measures lowers the risk of your website getting hacked. When websites get compromised, it is not just your website that is at risk but also customer data. If you’re caught unawares by a server crash or a website hack, data loss can prove very expensive.

Here are some measures you can employ for better security:

  • Get a automated data backup solution like blogVault for WordPress.
  • You can install a WordPress security plugin like iThemes or opt for a premium service from Sucuri.

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